Picked a Bad Day to Have a Bad Day
I had been looking forward to the Breckenridge race for some time. Making some fairly serious sacrifices along the way to push my training and acclimating process.
I woke up this morning with a rumbly in my stomach. I thought I could get through it with a few trips to the can as part of the morning routine. All seemed well and I headed for the start area. I knew that I did not get a good breakfast in the stomach, but the way I was feeling, it wasn't going to happen.
Brief pause - I have the tv on some car race. Why do the track side announcers wear what appear to be racing unniforms? Are they flame proof or something?
Back to the story. The first loop of the Breckenridge race is about 25 miles with an advertised 4000 feet or so of climbing. The first climb is like 2500 feet all by itself, over like 3 miles. I was okay going up the climb, stayed within myself and just kept plugging along without getting stupid. Crested the top and now we got to go down. Have I said that I hate descending on rocky stuff? I have got to be the worst. Must have let 6 people pass me on the first section. Started to get more comfortable and then we start going back up again. Meanwhile my stomach has decided to not cooperate. Pit stop to empty it out. Yes, I puked. At this point, the energy is dropping and I can't put anything in my stomach. Keep pushing on. So much hike-a-bike that it was brutal, although I think my stomach was a bit happier walking. At about mile 10 I realized that my energy was fading badly due to lack of ability to put anything in the tank. I managed to limp into the transition area after 4:22 minutes. My GPS told me there was over 6000 feet of climbing. I was in a world of hurt and had no chance of another 75 miles.
I am incredibly disappointed in my performance. Life will go on and I will recover, it just stings a bit at the moment.
Here is a picture looking up the Beaver Run area of Breckenridge - we rode above that large line of snow in the middle. Most of the first few miles of singletrack was above the tree line.

Thank you all for the words of encouragement leading up to this race - sorry to disappoint!!
I woke up this morning with a rumbly in my stomach. I thought I could get through it with a few trips to the can as part of the morning routine. All seemed well and I headed for the start area. I knew that I did not get a good breakfast in the stomach, but the way I was feeling, it wasn't going to happen.
Brief pause - I have the tv on some car race. Why do the track side announcers wear what appear to be racing unniforms? Are they flame proof or something?
Back to the story. The first loop of the Breckenridge race is about 25 miles with an advertised 4000 feet or so of climbing. The first climb is like 2500 feet all by itself, over like 3 miles. I was okay going up the climb, stayed within myself and just kept plugging along without getting stupid. Crested the top and now we got to go down. Have I said that I hate descending on rocky stuff? I have got to be the worst. Must have let 6 people pass me on the first section. Started to get more comfortable and then we start going back up again. Meanwhile my stomach has decided to not cooperate. Pit stop to empty it out. Yes, I puked. At this point, the energy is dropping and I can't put anything in my stomach. Keep pushing on. So much hike-a-bike that it was brutal, although I think my stomach was a bit happier walking. At about mile 10 I realized that my energy was fading badly due to lack of ability to put anything in the tank. I managed to limp into the transition area after 4:22 minutes. My GPS told me there was over 6000 feet of climbing. I was in a world of hurt and had no chance of another 75 miles.
I am incredibly disappointed in my performance. Life will go on and I will recover, it just stings a bit at the moment.
Here is a picture looking up the Beaver Run area of Breckenridge - we rode above that large line of snow in the middle. Most of the first few miles of singletrack was above the tree line.
Thank you all for the words of encouragement leading up to this race - sorry to disappoint!!