Titanium Addiction

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Day 2 of Nats

This was the big day for me. The race for the national championship. I had absolutely no hopes of winning, as the announcer said later in the day - this was the "Steve Tilford Invitational". With Steve in the front row and me in about the 10th row, time to just get some experience and have some fun. By the time we raced, 3pm, the course was pretty similar to the day before, lots of mud and grass. They had slightly altered one off camber section to give more options on how to attack it, but other than that, same routing.

From the start, it was going to be fun. Hauling up the hill to the first turn, the anticipation was high for the carnage to begin. Most everyone made it through the first turn onto the grass, not so for all the classes. The crashes began shortly thereafter and Tilly just rode away from the mere mortals in the crowd. I was doing a good job of picking people off and avoiding getting tangled in crashes for quite a while. Then I had one of my own. Not surprising given the slippery conditions, but it caused me to get tentative in my head. I proceeded to give back a few spots over the next couple of laps. I then screwed my head back on and started racing on the last lap. I managed to get a few of the places back and had some fun again. I ended up 34th. I am pretty confident I can do better, just a mental problem that can be corrected. Will I ever beat Steve Tilford, no.

Anne G. nailed 3rd place in her race, Anne S. nailed 6th in hers. A good day MI sceners in KC!!


  • Never say Never!!!

    Good job on the race!!! I'm excited that the two Anne's represented Michigan so well. It's a good thing that I didn't go and disgrace everyone :-)

    By Blogger Danielle Musto, At 2:44 PM  

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