Titanium Addiction

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Cut Down - But not so Short This Time

The Lumberjack 100 - what can I say, heat and sand are constants. Although this year, the heat was not too bad. The only really hot laps were 2 and 3 when the sun came out for a bit. The sand seemed much more prominent this year. Perhaps that was due to the routing being in the opposite direction this year. It made some climbs very difficult and depending on my approach, exercises in walking.

The reality: My goal for the day was to average 2 to 2:10 per lap. The first two laps went well. My pacing was good and hydration/nutrition seemed under control. The first lap is always tough at Big M due to the field stays together much longer than at other tracks. This creates problems on the climbs if someone falters in front of you, it sucks. At the start of the 2nd lap things thinned out enough where I could ride my race and things went much smoother. No worries on the descents.

At the beginning of the third lap, I made myself the mental note of going a bit more conservative in order to keep something in the tank for the bell lap. I think I went a bit too conservative and put myself into a spot that cost me a fair amount of time. My brain decided to slow my body waaaaay down and in retrospect I was riding to survive rather than to do well.

This is what I looked like at the end of the third lap, food in mouth:

The fourth lap I started out a little rough, carrying over from the 3rd. My stomach was not feeling very well. The thought of hurling definitley crossed my mind a couple of times. About halfway through the Inner Loop, I started to feel better and began pushing my pace again. I finished out the lap pretty well considering it was the end of the race. I did not achieve my goal, finishing in 8:53, 13 minutes of the 2:10 pace. I am looking forward to seeing my lap splits to see how bad the 3rd lap was.

Congratulations to Danielle for winning the women's race, I can't wait to see her results when she is actually racing and not just training. And to Paula for winning the SS class, someday I want to be that tough.

Huge thanks goes to Dennis (Anne's husband) and Andy. They managed the pit for me and made the race a lot more fun and certainly easier on the tranisitions between laps.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there!!!!


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