Titanium Addiction

Friday, November 03, 2006

Ode to a training partner

If you don't already have a training partner, I highly recommend that you find one. The benefits are tremendous. You will become a better rider and racer. On those days when you don't really feel like getting on the bike, you know that someone is counting on you to show up, and if you don't due to some lame excuse, you will be berated for it. Along the way of many miles and hours, you will develop a bond and friendship that should last a lifetime. A good training partner will hold your confidences as you hold theirs. The trust evolves over time to allow conversation on a broad range of political, religious, and personal topics. The opinions are respected at all times even though the exchanges can be excited.

Even though the 'ride plan' for the day may not be the same, the value of having someone to head out with is amazing. Knowing that you have someone to comiserate with as you get through one more interval, is some consolation where otherwise there would be only your own grey matter to overcome. Then on race day to hear the voice screaming at you as you feel like puking, priceless.

I am very fortunate to have found such a training partner.


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